Archon Orianna Vossan

Arms Dealer | Huntress | Vampress


⥋ Orianna Vossan
⥋ Maelstrom Capitan (Retired)
⥋ Professor of Magitek Engineering
⥋ Archon
⥋ Lady Vampire
⥋ Au Ra
⥋ Xaela
Gender & Pronouns
Female (She/Her)
Origin Info
⥋ Hometown: Wineport, Limsa Lominsia
⥋ Namedate: 32nd Sun 5th Umbral Moon (October 31)
⥋ Apparent Age: 27
⥋ Actual Age: 174


⥋ Hair: Black
⥋ Eyes: Red w/ eerie glow in limbal rings
⥋ Skin: Grave-like Pale Light


⥋ Speech: Tara Platt - Edelgard von Hresvelg
⥋ Singing: Lzzy Hale


⥋ Magitek Expertise
⥋ Manufacturing & Design
⥋ Deadeye Markswoman
⥋ Intel Gathering & Brokering
⥋ Mixology
⥋ Medical Knowledge


RDM - Learned when she was growing up from her father
MCH - In her youth she started tinkering on what ever she found
GNB - Learned in Bozja by the Gunhildr's Blades while deployed
SGE - Learned as a part of her onboarding in Sharlayan

Known Languages

⥋ Common/Eoreza | Fluent
⥋ Vieran | Fluent
⥋ Xaelic/Au'ri | Fluent
⥋ Garlean | Conversational
⥋ Hingan/Doman | Out-of-Practice
⥋ Huntspeak | All But Forgotten


⥋ Cursed Aether
⥋ Violent Aura
⥋ ???


Surface Level

⥋ Retired Maelstrom Capitan | She's proud of her service and will keep things she saw in war to herself, unless you've seen it first hand.⥋ Archon | She wears the Marks of the Archon on her neck. She openly states she got her marks in at least Magitek Engineering.⥋ Booze Snob | She has a very expensive taste in her drinks. She will judge you for drinking well. After all she dose run a winery with her family and and has been known to say 'life is too short to drink swill'.⥋ Mentor | Ever wanted to leave a bit smarter? She is professor at the Studium. She teaches Magitek Engineering, Military History and Tactics, and Ancient Allagan History.⥋ Thanalan Hater | You can tell just by looking at her she hates the place, the desert, the sand. Oh, Gods the sand. She has a strong hate for the region for a number of reasons.⥋ Adventurer | While she been a young adventurer some time ago the years come with experience and wisdom. Weather someone needs a protector, medic, or dirty work done. There's a very short list of things she won't do for a sum of gil.

Behind the Mask

⥋ More Than Meets the Eyes | Behind her alluring gaze there is an insatiable need in her eyes. It's unnerving for the unexperienced. Wise ones say tread carefully.⥋ Mistress of War | Her clothes reek of weapon oil. Her hands are stained of blood. An Arms Dealer and war profiteer to the core. Orianna is aware of the death she causes. She would stop, however war is written by the victors and blood is good for business.⥋ Underworld Aficionado | She knows her way in more than questionable circles. She has a vast network of people she can call on regarding an undisclosed resource someone could be looking for, whatever it may be.⥋ 427... and counting | Do you really want to know? Get on her bad side and you might make that number tick up. A former associate of hers in the Maelstrom said 'She'll stop at nothing till her goals are met. Even if it means cutting down her lovers.'


<Work in Progress>


1.0 and The Calamity
Being a product of the Maelstrom the at the time Sergeant Orianna Vossan was tasked in the scouting corps after cutting her teeth for a few years in Limsa Lominsa and neighboring areas helping the local population and protecting assets along the way. As the events of Cartenu neared day by day her Officers tasked her and those around her to take on hit and run missions to weaken the advancement of the Garlean Empire. Sadly as Buhamat was summoned there was nothing she could do. Being powerless to stop the Calamity, her and her entire battalion was at Cartenu watching as the world almost ended, first hand. Her drive to take down the Garlean Empire only grew after the events that ensued.
A Realm Reborn and Seventh Astral Era
Being active duty in the Maelstrom she opted to double her work. Offering up her talents again to the scout corps with the war with the Garlean Empire still raging on all while furthering the Department of Magitek Engineering. During the events of Operation Archon Orianna was on stand-by for any Garlean deserters and tasked to eliminate anyone in a Garlean uniform. And eliminating them she did. Orianna ended up taking out a dozen Garleans as they tried fleeing back to their closest base of operations. And taking an accommodation for her marksmanship. Later in life during an interview she would hold some remorse as she did shoot non-combatants but her cold emotions in the time had no issue breaking the laws of conventional warfare in the moment. This guilt of hers holds her heavy after meeting several former Garlean soldiers in her later career.
After some R&R and receiving news about the Doman people revolting across the world she takes her squad in for some siege tactics training to prepare for the pending Alliance invasion with the Crystal Braves getting everyone up to speed on Alliance standard operating procedures. With her training shortly after the summoning of Leviathan she and her squad assisted the Scions of the Seventh Dawn on taking the beast down on the Whorleater. With her squad all returning safely she takes her squad back to do more training for the eventual invasion.
Heavensward and Post-Heavensward
With the news of the Sicons making it safely to the Gates of Judgment in the Holy See of Ishgard coming from High Command of the Maelstrom she can finally take a moment for herself. She met a woman by the name of Lyssia Kreig earlier in her life. Slowly they made time for each other and got married. Weeks into their marriage Lyssia's true colors showed. Turns out she was an assassin sent by Garlamald just as Orianna thought the war was about to be over she was dragged back into it. After dispatching her now ex-wife and renouncing her vows she set her sights on the end of the war. Long days of training and nights of working in the shop with the engineers kept her busy until the eventual offensive. During a war-game training exercise with the other Grand Companies Orianna landed herself yet another award in valor as she led her squad holding a position holding off the Immortal Flames and Twin Adders with just her 8 person squad.
At the homecoming of the Scions, Orianna was still not sold on their innocence, yet the committed crime was more suspicious than anything and the ones who were caught and apprehended were more problematic in her view. Now with the tides of war shifting and sailing to the Far East Orianna starts to gear up with her squad as she is tasked leading expeditionary forces for the Alliance.
With the Doman and Ala Mhigan uprising beginning, so did the travel to the Far East for Orianna. As the events in the region kick off quickly Orianna quickly gets to her mission objective in destabilizing the Imperial Warmachine. Her first matter of business took her to The Peaks and The Fringes, in which Maelstrom High Command tasked her to eliminate a handful of Garlean officers to knock out their chain of command. After about what she calls ‘a dozen or so’ officers sent to an early afterlife with the impeccable marksmanship of Lieutenant Vossan. After the many HVT targets were eliminated she became a thing of fear around the Castrums in the region.She was given the name ‘The White Heart of Ala Mhigo’ after placing a white rose in the entrance wound on each target. As the fear of assassination a very real thing in the chain of command of the Garlean Warmachine part one of her mission objective was complete.
As her initial mission objective was complete she moved on to secondary and tertiary objectives. First up on that docket, moving into the Field of Dust and establishing a position for overwatch to monitor the activity to prepare for the upcoming operation. After the preparations were complete Orianna and her squad was tasked to infiltrate the Field of Dust and destroy the gun batteries at the site. With the field free of the major weapons out of the way the Alliance was able to continue the events of Operation: Gimlyet Dark in which Orianna was tasked to provide fire support at a vantage point and eliminate any fleeing Garlean soldiers, again. As the night comes to a close she packs her bags and heads back to Alliance headquarters in Doma for further orders.
Several uninspiring missions later the war in the Far East came to a close.
The newly promoted Captain Orianna Vossan was about to hit terminal leave and decided Kugane was where she wanted to retire. She purchased her home in the Far East with her then wife and prepared herself to enjoy her first moment of freedom after her retirement. Sadly not everything was aces as her now late wife, Nuri tragically passed away. Now sitting in her new home, alone she spends the next while alone in her shop designing, building, and testing new devices to help save lives on the frontlines in the eventual conflicts to eventually come.
With the quiet years to come she would finally relax after the completion of her own personal airship the Revalation she took it upon herself to look for the next adventure. That adventure would be known as the 'Dawn Aegis Days' it was here where she met her next tragic love, Minna. A blonde hired Rava who showed the retired veena there is so much to love and do in the world.
While things were nice for a time there was a day where Minna left their home. With just a note. reading 'I have gone off to find the sound of my soul. I love you.' The note was a dagger in the heart. She spent months trying to find her trail to no avail. She slowly accepted this as punishment for the slew of war crimes she committed over the war. She slowly grew bitter of the Dawn Aegis to where she had several outbursts at leadership and left the organization, burning most the bridges there in the process.
All was not for loss. In that time she did meet a certain 'meddling security guard' who would ulitmately introduce her to her future wife, Altansarani Odtsetseg. Though Altansarani she would learn the traits of loving many deeply. Later she adds Thoja'nnom Serai (and her partner Bree Serai). Over the next passage of time she would come to know and love her new found partners as she learns the way of the many. Over that time she would find her logistics and manufacturing company, Vossan and Company Arms Logistics Incorporated (VCALI). In where she spends more time dealing and trafficking's weapons and information to and from the highest bidder.
Dark days for the realm and the Archon. The world was ending, her relationships were dying and it was only a matter of time before she in tow would die herself, sort of.
The first relationship to go down hill was one with a woman named Tiralynn, a thousands year old nightkin. She was told she was 'the best woman that gave an old blood bag like me the time of day'. Sadly their love would not last long. Only close to a few months but she would give herself back to the life stream, imbedding the gifts in which Tiralynn had into Orianna.
With VCALI going well at the start of it all. She found her trade routes to Garlemald to only assist in the further worsening conditions in the region. Garlean Nationalists terrorizing the others who have been trying to rebuild the nation in a vision of cooperation. From striking it rich and raking in millions of gil from the folly of men only to profit off it.
Shortly after her establishment in the arms trade her wife was lost to the 13th from a freak training accident. Orianna, her friends, and her wife's parents lent aid to rescue her and bring her home. Unfortunately Orianna would fall in battle protecting Thoja'nnom, pregnant with her soon to be god-child. Upon the strike the aether that Tiralynn gifted her took over preventing her from a true and final death. The next few weeks would be ones she would come to realize that the woman she was and she was at the time were far too different to continue her relationships. Ending them shortly after she awoke a vampire.
After getting herself, as she says 'a more than healthy nest egg'. Orianna moved to make connections in several underground networks. One of which being an old bar she refers to as 'The Ginger' and 'The Springs' she once looked fondly upon the places but these days she has nothing but ill will. After finding herself getting bitter she wondered around for some time. Trying to make friends as a vampire, which not surprising at all. Was easier said than done. Not all was lost however, she did manage confiding some sort of on and off relationship/friendship in a rouge esteem by the name of Cicyphine. Just over a year of being a blood-sucker she looks forward to the horizon and new adventures, which ever that may be.


Thank you for taking the time in reading about my brain child. I have been writing her shortly after I started playing XIV in 5.08 (August 2019). That being said she's had close to 5 years of actual time to develop. Most of what you might have read have happened ICly since then. If you like her be sure to shoot me a /tell in game for attention!
⥋ I do use discord and will give it out to those whom ask after a scene or two
⥋ Yes, I do use Mare
⥋ Pardon my typos and run-ons, I have had 4 TBIs and words are hard since then
⥋ I like lore bendy stuff. It's cool. Those who don't please steer clear. We play the WoL in MSQ who kills gods on a weekly basis. Figure it out.
⥋ I am always looking for more people to pull in to her bullshit. If you are interested in being around more bring it up to me in scene! Lets write together!
⥋ Refrain from any real-world political speaking in RP. I try to unwind when I do this, not get stressed out at the state of the world.
⥋ While I have really started playing in 5.08, my first true dive into XIV was in early Heavensward. If I had to guess? Close to 3.1 at the time I was in college.